
over it over again.

She & Him.
these two. these two are too cool.
last night confirmed everything i've ever thought of Zooey.
she is too cool.
obviously she was wearing the coolest dress with tights.
her hair.
her with that tamborine.
so neat to see the source to the background voices.
when they played Lingering Still and she did that keyboard solo.
she has kissed Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
unfortunately we didn't see much of M. Ward, i wish i could've heard his voice a little more.
he's definitely classy though.
her little dances.
i'm so glad we all have the biggest girl crush on her.
despite the surrounding drugs, smoke, sweat, heat, millions of people, fweaks and beer.

it was totally worth it.
pictures to come soon.

ps. Mockingjay:
i'm still reading it, i decided to not read it in one day like the first two.
it's the last one and i want it to last.
i'm almost done and i can't decide how i feel about it.
so far i've been real mad most the time, so we'll see...

1 comment:

jessie said...

that was awesome.
she's so cool.