
"i'll join you when hell freezes over." -Neville Longbottom.

the best part about a book is you can read it once and love it.
then read it a second time and love it even more.

November 19th is coming. i'm really starting to wonder where they split part one and part two of The Deathly Hallows.
maybe after Malfoy's Manor?
that's my guess, the book does a whole flip-round there.
i don't know, i am just hoping this movie is going to be all it's hyped up for. no doubt it could ever beat the book, but let's hope it follows the story line decently. i hate when the story gets messed up.
like the whole burning down of The Burrow, unnecessary.
the book is so epic.
if you read the last few chapters over twice so you don't miss the little details, it all comes together in one big epic scene that will cause you to think about it for hours once you've finished. obviously. 

my mind has been in the world of Harry Potter for a good week.
i dream in the Harry Potter language.

1 comment:

Jameson said...

i love harry potter.