
typical pg lifeguard inservice.

vanessa: "if patrons are giving us crap about you guys, we'll stick up for you. we love you."
hayden: "and we love you..."

mack: "wait, what?"

marcos: "hey katie, how was making out with antonio?"
katie: "good."

jenna: "am i holding you tight enough?"
sidney: "oh yes, very tight."

mack: "i don't understand."

katie: "by now you should know how to put the tube's strap on."
spencer: "oh, i know how to take it off."

jade: "jenna, you're done."
jenna: "heck yeah! suckers!"
hayden: "jenna. welcome to the wall."

vanessa: "we are going to be competing in this year's lifeguard games."
i don't remember who, probably mack: "what are the games, like tag?"
everyone: makes fun.

spencer: "vanessa don't get in the hot tub, you'll bake your baby."

vanessa: "everyone needs to stand up on their stand when there is a save."
scott and mandi: "and remember to sit back down jenna."

katie: "please don't dive off your stand when you have a save."
everyone: "MATT."

jo: "i'm a black bear."


Carrie said...

i can't believe i missed it.

Sidney said...

best inservice of my life.
by far.

miss mandi said...

it was so rad.