
pop quiz.

if you can tell me what movies these lines are from...
i love you.

1. "Goodbye my sexy lady lessbiann lovver." (it's not a dirty movie, so you know.)

2. "YOU wear a jacket."

3. "...then i shall never speak to you again." (so vague, this is a hard one.)

4. "He's got more arms than a snafflefloff." (i kinda made up that last word, i don't know exactly what they are saying so..)

5. "Word G Money."

6. "I must tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul. and I lov..I love you. And never wish to be parted from you from this day forth."

7. "Moon river, wider than a mile, i'm crossing you in style..."

8. "Bella..........................I.........love...............
........................you." (ugh, worst movie ever.)

9. "If it makes you feel any better they threw baloney at us while we sang Celine Dion songs!" 

10. "That's got to be the second biggest slingshot i've ever seen."

11. "What do you wanna be married to me anyhow?" "So I can kiss you anytime I want."


Evan & Diana said...

4. Harry Potter and the half blood prince.

meg. said...

11: sweet home alabama.

i hate love so much.

johanna said...

6. Pride and Prejudice of course.
7. Breakfast at Tiffany's.
10. I'm thinking it is Hot Rod, but I'm not positive.
11. sweet home Alabama.
All great movies!

caihay said...

5. she's the man
9. sidney white? she's the man? something with amanda bynes.
11. sweet home alabama.

jessie said...

ah, my favorite game.
2 - holmes. also known as my addiction
6 - pride and prejudice
11 - sweet home alabama.

jenna said...

good children. good. i love you all.

2-holmes. nailed it.
4-harry potter.
5-she's the man.
6-pride & prejudice.
7-breakfast at tiffany's.
9-sydney white.
11-sweet home alabama.

so that leaves 1, 3, 8 and 10. i'll let it fester for a while. it'll come to you, i have faith.

Megan Keetch said...

#1. Serendipity

#8. Twilight or New Moon...

#10. Madagascar 2

jenna said...

nice work babe. i love you. and #3 is just another pride & prejedice.