
good thing i have an unhealthy obsession with movies and music.

Chuck is so dapper.
remember when him and Casey listened to Love on the Rocks.
and Sarah, i want to be her.
see yah tonight.

so have you seen the movie Chocolat.
one of my favorites.
it's a great feel good film.
Johnny Depp is a favorite, and i really like Juliette Binoche.
she plays a really good motherly character both in this and Dan In Real Life.
she is really beautiful also.


Maddie Violet said...

Um, I love Sara Barielles. Good good.

jessie said...

lovin that picture of chuck and sarah. i'll probably frame that and put it in my room.

jenna said...

haha yes yes. i was talking about sarah from chuck, but i also love sara barielles. i was just listening to her actually.

Mallory said...

That movie cover is a little awkward, but I love j.depp.