
Happy Birthdate Dobe.

The Dobe is 18 today!
if only i could explain how much i love and admire this girl...

i'll try though..
One time in 8th grade Taylor Fox handed me a note and said will you give this to Jenna? (Dobe and I were awkward not really friends at the time). Of course i had to read it before i gave it to her. Inside it said something like this, "You have the most beautiful blue eyes i have ever seen, will you go out with me?" I gave her the note in PE that day. I do believe that is when we fell in love....best friend love.
We should all be jealous of Jenna's blue eyes.
Do you remember that one time we built a blanket fort in my basement and named it Cinnamon after the dead cat on Gilmore Girls? I do.
We should al be jealous of Jenna's knowledge and blanket fort building abilities.
Jenna is crazy good at soccer. Probably because she is crazy good at everything. New team new my gag.
This girl has the best taste in music. 90% of my music interests came from this girl. She always has some new song or artist to show me that automatically becomes my favorite.
We should all be jealous of Jenna's music knowledge.
she doesn't have to wear make-up or staighten her hair. that girl is beautiful and all natural babes.
There was this one time that i felt like the world was out to get me and that i was worthless and it just sucked. Jenna sent me a letter in the mail and told me how proud she was of me and said funny things like.."you sweat like a teenager". It made everything better.
We should all be jealous of how thoughtful Jenna is.
she has doilies on her ceiling and a record player next to her bed.
i have never had so many inside jokes with someone in my entire like. one time we were driving home from doxtek and we were laughing so hard that we had to pull over.
We should all be jealous of Jenna's hyena laugh and her Kia Sephia.
She is the best friend ever.
She can drive anywhere in reverse.
She sings to me on the phone.
She will be the coolest mother someday.
She can make a turkey noise with her throat.
She is smarter than we all know.
She is the best example.
She has the cleanest room i have ever seen.
She always has chapstick.
and i love her.
Happy Birthday Dobe.


jessie said...

amen amen amen.
jenna is the best.

meg. said...

i love dobe.

jenna said...

oh. i cried when i read this. literally. this is probably the best thing of my whole birthday. probably the best thing i've ever read in my 18 years of life. i love you coach smith.

i definitely have better friends than anyone else in the county.