
and it's official.

i hated it. i couldn't stand them any longer. what a joke.

so i quit.

have fun making it to state.
seeee yuh.

and to celebrate.
i bought an umbrella.
webcam is too cool.
i found an old necklace of my mums today.
it's a locket with my grandma's photo in it.
wore it, and laughed and laughed all day.

fresh peach shakes.

have you ever felt the need to throw your head back and slap your desk real loud-like every time someone says something remotely funny?
well that girl in seminary does.
i wonder about a lot of people.
whatever man.

ery year when school begins i swear i have to repeat my name 36 times a day.
(36. french. jessie. yeah.)
i'm not jeana. i don't like to go by jen. no, my full name is not jennifer. it's dobry. not doby, dawbrey, or dobriiiii. as in dobr-I.
but some people do call me dobe.

Chuck. is the coolest show.

we missed out on seeing Vampire Weekend. but i figure i've already seen them buhfore. and maybe they'll come again next year. plus i gots to save those dollars for BAND OF HORSES.
duh duh duh duuuh.

i wonder how many times Mrs. Guymon says "good job" in one school day.


amycastleberry said...

hahaha oh hey jenna you're a babe. so you quit soccer? don't blame ya. caitlin was my club coach and i totally understand why you quit. atta girl. oh and by the way, that umbrella is darling:)

Shelbie McKae said...

jenna, I quit too no worries, not like I have played, or practiced ever or anything... but I quit and I don't blame you one bit for quitting, it was a joke. State, nice try!

Also: I really like your umbrella. I probably know exactly what girl you are talking about, she's... cool... No worries I have to tell my teachers at least twice how to say mine...

people are so cool.

jessie said...

i love it when you write my name in your posts. i feel like a champion.
and our boy chuck. i'll have him on the even numbered days and you can have him on the odd numbered days. but we'll have to let sarah have him on weekends because they're just so cute. i think there's enough of him to go around.

jenna said...

amy: hello dear, welcome! oh yes i quit and i'm so glad. caitlin is a beast.

shelbie: people are definitely so cool. that girl is a character. and i am so glad we quit. i can't say it enough.

jessie: i like when you say my name in your blog too, pretty rad. i love chuck, you love chuck. thank you for introducing me to chuck.

Sidney said...

atta baby.
I'm in love with chuck. let's watch it together.
and cute umbrella. bring it to woodshop.

Megan Keetch said...

i miss you more than anything right now. soccer without you is nothing.

Shelbie McKae said...

dear jenna, remember that one time I told you I quit... apparently that wasn't approved by the parentals, so I'm stuck there. again. for at least another week... I'm pretty jealous of you.

jenna said...

oh no! i'm sorry! my parents encouraged it haha it was too messed up. hang in there, happiness will come my friend.