
good thing i chose her.

My mom is the best ever.

My mom puts everyone before herself. She lets me skip young womens. I don't think there has been a day in my life that she hasn't made an amazing dinner for our family. She laughs really loud and can talk on the phone for hours. She says funny things to me everyday. She works so hard for everything she has. She has the strongest testimony and it shows just by looking at her. When you are having a bad day she knows just what to say. She dedicates her life to being the best mother and grandmother in the world. And she is my best friend.

I'm so glad i chose her.

and we have this mother daughter thing where we crave the same food at the same time.
taco amigo french fry runs late at night happen quite often for us.

1 comment:

jessie said...

moms are the best thing in the whole world. better than cupcakes.